Closing Arguments sole purpose is to provide summaries, in laymen terms, for a wide variety of subject matter. Most of us today are too busy that we cannot find the time to read through thousands of pages of legislation that our government will enforce upon us whether we understand the law or not. Therefore, I will submit short essays on topics that I believe will be beneficial to the average American. The format will be simple. As the adversarial system demands, I will merely discuss the cause of action for any given topic. I will leave out all opinions, although, I may make the occasional recommendation. Still, I will concentrate on the facts of an argument and nothing more. As John Adams once said:
“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
Politics suck. If someone can honestly look you in the eye and tell you that they enjoy politics, Then they are simply insane. For this reason, I will limit my discussions on party politics since they contrive the most dismay. However, politics is not limited to one’s government. Its existence is perpetual in everything we do today. It’s in our educational system, hospitals, hell; even the local clerk at Phillips 66 must conciliate politics daily. The point is, we play the game of politics all the time whether we know it or not. Closing Arguments intention is to act as an educational reference on your rights, history, entertainment, media, science, economy, and anything I find informative for your personal gain. By studying the past, we can better understand the problems of the present, and implement creditable solutions for the future.
SIDEBAR: Closing Arguments is not purely an outlet for political expression but a submission of educational topics in an investigative essay form. They will be short, direct, and informative. I am not trying to persuade you. I am merely concerned with the diffusion of general knowledge among the pupils. Otherwise, (based on the foundation of the US government) democracy will be lost--and through our ignorance we won’t even hear her cries for refuge. *****KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!*****
You are now entering Jessie’s Court, where justice may be temporarily lost but always found….
Can't wait to hear more!